Monday 17 October 2011

souther salazar

Steve Light

These children books are illustrated by Steve Light. One of my best friend gave The Christmas Giant to me as a present and it was the first  time that i met him. The story and the illustrations are really nice! It is such a nice present for me because i love Christmas!

Wednesday 5 October 2011

ate, eat it, hide it!!

Illustrated by Jiyoon Chung, from her book “Ate”. It is a story about child who would like to have many friends and to be loved. Also, the child wants to be getting bigger and in order to be big, the child eats friends because in this situation it is easy to be loved! It is just our basic needs to be loved! This illustration is a lot for me! but in the end of the story, the friends who had been eaten starts to disappear. !

art meeting calender!

It is just like your own art and music calender. Gongo knows better than you where and when  exhibitions, concerts, conference, and workshops around Turkey are. Just look at Gongo calender and see the dates of your favorite artist exhibition or find out different workshops!   Gongo